
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Be True To Your School!

Hello and happy Wednesday (well it's almost over now, but when I wrote this it wasn't) to everyone reading! Between moving into our new house and getting ready for the Canton Flea Market (which is just a week away now!!), we've been BUSY! But, we wanted to share a few photos of some school spirit themed frames we've made! Everyone loves to display photos from games, tailgating, etc- so why not do it with a frame that's your school's colors?!

These will be special order items, so we can do these frames in any school colors! It can be your favorite college or high school. School colors will look great on any of our frames, but they especially look good on our Large Chunky 4x6, Chunky 4x6, Mini Chunky and Clip Chunky Frames! We already have paint for most colleges and universities in Mississippi, but we can get paint for probably (any) school you have in mind! Contact us today (via Etsy or by emailing so we can get started on your school spirit frame! These will make great Christmas gifts this year!

Here are some pictures of frames we have made as examples:

 Large Chunky 4x6 ($25) for Mississippi State and Ole Miss

Large 4x6 Chunky ($25) - Mississippi State

Large 4x6 Chunky ($25) - Ole Miss

Mini Clip Frame ($10) - Mississippi State

Remember - these are special order so contact us if you are interested in purchasing a school frame! :)

On a personal note... we'll (hopefully) be back on the blog later this week with a first look at our new house! PLUS- we'll have a guest post by Jonathan's sister some time very soon about some of the vintage furniture she's gotten for her new apartment out in Los Angeles! Stay tuned...!

1 comment:

  1. Where do you get that little piece of hardware you use to attach the glass to the front of your wood?
